Page name: Giffie-Pet Store [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-02-13 21:47:18
Last author: tomsawyer8648
Owner: Bookwyrm
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Welcome, Elfpacker, to the Giffie-Pet store!
We have fuzzy-wuzzies and creepy-crawlies galore--
Pets that crawl and some that soar!
This is a special place filled with magic and lore,
All bets are off when you walk through our door!
So come on in and have a look around,
You can even adopt from our Giffie-Pet Pound.
Just keep in mind that you can only choose one!
Make your choice wisely and when you're all done,
You'll have a special friend to show off to everyone!

Custom Poetry by [Deg]! Thanks to her!



This is the place to get your very own Giffie-Pet. You need to choose carefully as you can only have one to begin with! Think about the name you want to give it as it can't be changed without a Name Change Token from the Tog Shop.

If you don't see any here that you like, you might want to check the Giffie-Pet Pound as well, or wait for the next batch of pets to come from the Normal Pet Storehouse.

When you have chosen the pet you want, edit this page using the 'ADV EDIT' button to add your username link (your username in the [] tags) below the pet you'd like to adopt. Don't forget to add the name you want to give it.

Do not edit anything else! If a pet isn't in stock, you can't request it. If you are unsure about editing the wiki, make your request in the comment box.



Himalayan Cat

Siamese Cat

Basset Hound

Cute Red Fox
1) [lulu dinobot] Todd.
2) [AdamTheChespin] Tommy.

Grey Rat

Leopard Gecko

Milk Snake

Green Parakeet




Round Hermit Crab

Monarch Butterfly
1)[Hollylocks] ChickenPie


Killer Rabbit



Please be sure you have read Owning a Giffie-Pet before asking how to do something! If you still need help join the forum at <joinforum:195:pets> (Giffie-Pet Chat and Question Area)

The Giffie-Pet Staff are willing to answer your questions in the comments or forum if you need to know something that isn't covered in the wiki.



Store Update!

We're back open for business! Enjoy.


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2007-10-20 [phoenixborn]: Nooo don't steal it it was a present! i was gonna wrap it up and give you it with loads of huggles and things :( xxx

2007-10-20 [Bookwyrm]: o.o -returns lollipop- I wants it back though...XD

2007-10-20 [phoenixborn]: okay then *wraps it up in shiny pink paper* you can have it but...I wants hugs first *holds arms out*

2007-10-20 [Bookwyrm]: -tacklehugs- Granted! ^_^

2007-10-20 [phoenixborn]: Woo *snughugles* Here you go *gives lollypop* ^__^

2007-10-21 [Bookwyrm]: Squee! -snatches lollipop, unwraps, and savours-

2007-10-21 [phoenixborn]: *has no lollipop* *ish sad*

2007-10-21 [Bookwyrm]: -offers a second lollipop she had hidden somewhere....>.>-

2007-10-21 [phoenixborn]: Weeeee! *slobbers witchy* ^__^ Fankoo

2007-10-22 [Andy8178]: I actually might get a good girlfriend :P

2007-10-22 [Supernova.]: I already have one of them.

2007-10-22 [phoenixborn]: *has become depressingly single again since last being on* -__-

2007-10-22 [Andy8178]: Ewe... That girl was hot too :(

2007-10-22 [phoenixborn]: I know..and that was a bad picture too :( meh, had to happen sooner or later, could only keep her with me for so long XD

2007-10-23 [Bookwyrm]: -is married...shuts up- Hey slobbered on me! EWWWW! -runs to shower- T_T

2007-10-23 [phoenixborn]: *slobbers in water-feed for shower* You cannot escape the slobber! ^_^

2007-10-23 [Bookwyrm]: Ewwww!!! -runs around in circles- Noooooo! T_T

2007-10-23 [phoenixborn]: *is hurt* but but..what's wrong with my slobber? *sniffle*

2007-10-24 [Bookwyrm]: Uh. It's slobber. -shivers-

2007-10-24 [phoenixborn]: *stops slobbering*.... *Walks off with head down*

2007-10-25 [Bookwyrm]: Awww...-pats- Don't worry. I don't like it when ANYONE slobbers on me. -twitch-

2007-10-25 [phoenixborn]: Well I shal keep it to myself from now on :P

2007-10-25 [Bookwyrm]: And that's where your slobber should stay. XD

2007-10-25 [Andy8178]: Nope! No girlfriend for me ^_^... In other news... Hostel 2 was disgusting *twitches*

2007-10-25 [phoenixborn]: Hostel is poo. Gore without meaning bores me XD And how no girlfriend for you??

2007-10-25 [Andy8178]: Turned it downnnnn :P

2007-10-25 [phoenixborn]: She did? Dude she must be dumb. If it's any consolation to you just being near you I can almost feel myself turning gay <3 XD

2007-10-25 [Andy8178]: Rofl, No.. I turned her down haha.. It was awkward that's all :P

2007-10-26 [Bookwyrm]: -blinks at David and moves closer- Feel less gay yet? XD

Mmm...awkwardness. ^_^ Yum.

2007-10-26 [Andy8178]: lol I think David is bi :P Which is totally okay by anyone in here (not sarcasm... No really, I'm actually being serious)

2007-10-26 [Bookwyrm]: David is David. There's no other way to describe him. ^_^ Well, perhaps fuzzy, or goofy, or English. XD No no, let's just leave it at David. XD

2007-10-26 [Andy8178]: My cousin is named David... But he's in prison... :/ Even though he didn't do anything...

2007-10-26 [Bookwyrm]: I know a lot of Davids, and this one is the only one I've ever really liked. XD And only two out of all the Davids I've met have not been evil. XD

2007-10-26 [Andy8178]: lol... My cousin got screwed.. He took home 2 girls from a bar. They were 17. They got to his place, he got a phone call from his mom, he went downstairs and talked for 2 hours with her, then when he got back upstairs, they were both sleeping. 2 counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and two counts of sexual battery... HE DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING... Plus, they both had fake ID's both saying they were 21... Tell me that's not messed up...

2007-10-26 [Bookwyrm]: Wow. Just wow. Not even going to comment.

2007-10-26 [phoenixborn]: Okay...

Wow, you have no idea what I'd give to be in a position to actually turn a girl down! For me that'd be like a hobo giving money to the poor XD

Baby, when you're around all thoughts of men OR women go out of the window. D'aint no room for anybody else. I become...witchysexual XD

And nope I aint bi. But I suppose I could always make an exception for you ;)

Ooh never ben described as fuzzy before ^__^ *snuggles*

*gets rifle*...*goes hunting other Davids- including the nice one* I must be the only one XD

And wow. Definitely wow. Seriously that's why you gotta be so damn careful going out and trying to get laid (sorry Traci :P) - you don't know what's real and what's jailbait -__- Oh and you also don't know what could be a man XD

2007-10-27 [Bookwyrm]: XD Poor Twiglet. XD Witchysexual?! LMAO! Oh now I'm really going to be in trouble with le hubby. He's already mad at me for being so damn adorable, now I'm turning men into slaves! XD Yus. Fuzzy. ^__^

You can't hunt the other nice David. The other nice David is my uncle, and he has a wife and two kids. x_X But feel free to hunt all the others. XD

Don't apologize to me. X_x You have every right to get laid. Everybody does. As long as it's consensual and all that good stuff.

2007-10-27 [phoenixborn]: Hey it's not your fault you're just so damn loveable :P And I suppose since it's you, you can call me fuzzy if you want ^__^

Oh fine I'll leave the nice David. Besides to get to him I'd have to go near children. My arch-nemesis XD

And I was apologising for the fact you generally hate the idea f people gong out with the sole urpose of getting laid :P

wtf? My MP3 player got ran over by a double decker bus- and still works!!!

2007-10-28 [Bookwyrm]: ^^' Yes I know, but that doesn't stop anyone for faulting me for it. And yus. I can call you fuzzy if you want. And I do. So I will. Fuzzy. ^^

Damn right you will. :O

-shrugs- Live and let live. As long as they leave my husband and me alone, they can do whoever they want. ^^


2007-10-28 [phoenixborn]: well I'm not faulting you for it. And obviously Scott doesn't fault you for being loveable- The guy married you! He just faults other people for agreeing with him XD

Don't get all threatening with me missy I do so of my own accord! At least, that's what i tell you. Hate you to think i was owned now :P

...I shall promise no such thing :P

I did not! A friend of a friend of a friends sisters girlfriends brothers uncle says she was given it by the Pope.

2007-10-28 [Bookwyrm]: xD Okay, I suppose you make a fair point there.

Psh. I knew you were owned months ago. Where you been?

XD You're really trying to get me in trouble.

Just the Pope? Psh. I don't believe it. You stole it from God you little thief. :P

2007-10-28 [phoenixborn]: Of course I do. I Always make a fair point ^__^

Well fine then, i'd hate for other people to think I was owned. So keep it to yourself :P

I don't mean to i just can't help myself :P

Okay fine I did. I stole it from god. Damn I'm good. But you knew that anyway :P

2007-10-29 [Andy8178]: OMG FOUR CONVERSATIONS! AHHHH! I'm back from ATL ^_^
I thought Traci was Pagean :P

2007-10-29 [Bookwyrm]: Yes well you really did get me in trouble. x_X So meh. And I can't keep it to myself if you keep blabbering on about it. :P Traci is a Pagan, does that mean she can't believe in God? o.O Being Pagan has nothing to do with a disbelief in a Divinity.

2007-10-30 [Andy8178]: From what I understood that Pagans***(sorry for the mispell) believe in many godesses (mostly) and gods. I never said you didn't believe in divinity, but rather you don't believe in a single divinity right?

2007-10-30 [Bookwyrm]: Typically they are of a polytheistic religion, yes. But not all. It depends on the particular religion and person whether it leans toward a Goddess or God mentality. Personally, I believe in neither a single deity or a multitude of deities. Rather I believe in both. ^^ It's an uncomplicated, complicated subject.

2007-10-30 [phoenixborn]: ...and I didn't steal my MP3 player from any of them.

2007-10-30 [Andy8178]: Lies ^_^

2007-10-31 [Bookwyrm]: I think we'll have to ask God about that one, David. :P

2007-10-31 [Andy8178]: hahaha Any prophets available? :P

2007-10-31 [Bookwyrm]: Oh I'm sure there's one wandering around somewhere. A blasphemer may do as well...XD

2007-10-31 [Andy8178]: Hahaha

2007-10-31 [phoenixborn]: Ask him if you like, He'll tell you the same! *waves stick at god* Won't you???

2007-10-31 [Bookwyrm]: He? o.O

2007-10-31 [phoenixborn]: He, She, It, Them, whatever it's all relative :P

2007-10-31 [Bookwyrm]: Ahh...good point. ^_^ It is all relative. ^_^

2007-10-31 [phoenixborn]: And where you come from Everyone is a relative too! ^__^

2007-11-01 [Andy8178]: Rofl

2007-11-01 [Bookwyrm]: Which is relative. :P -kicks Twiglet-

2007-11-01 [Andy8178]: You guys are crackin me up :P

2007-11-01 [Bookwyrm]: -offers bandaid-

2007-11-01 [carebear72]: May I have more that one pet?

2007-11-01 [My Sky's The Limit]: No, I don't believe you can.

2007-11-02 [Afroman - let the rain wash over me]: yea you can but only through certain contests, its a prize

2007-11-02 [My Sky's The Limit]: She's more than likely meaning another one of the normal pets.

2007-11-02 [Andy8178]: I want another pet!!! :(

2007-11-02 [phoenixborn]: You can have my kitty if you like?? The real one I mean lol And don't kick me I'll be forced to kick you back. And my feet are bigger than yours :P

2007-11-02 [Andy8178]: Lies! I wear a size 13!... Not that means anything to you Brit-boy. :P

2007-11-02 [phoenixborn]: *slaps head* I'm English and I definitely aint European! To me a quarter pounder is a quarter pounder, I aint no "royale with cheese" guy. And I wear....a size 12 T__T It doesn't make me less of a man XD

2007-11-02 [My Sky's The Limit]: Well. . .my 13 year old friend wears about the same size as you, [phoenixborn]. . .exept she's a girl.

2007-11-03 [Princess Zelda]: Alright, about two months ago, my Giffie Pet AND my toggery Card disappeared. I'm not sure if it was from a crash in the system, or what. So, is it alright if I sign up for another pet? Although, I do miss my Siamese kitty. Please help. :[

2007-11-04 [phoenixborn]: Well [Bookwyrm] is the one to ask but...she's been gone a couple of days which is really not like her. I'm worried about her :(

2007-11-04 [My Sky's The Limit]: You were supposed to ask [Hedda] to return your stuff like. . .a couple of months ago, it announced it on the top of the EP page.

And she might be having internet issues :S let's think somewhat positive on her dissappearance.

2007-11-04 [phoenixborn]: She has a couple tings going on at the mo which make it a lil' bit hard to think positive. But whatever we'll have to wait and see. And [Hedda] doesn't really have that much to do with individual problems really. Though come to think of it if it was a tech fault then he would be the guy to ask but I don't know if he'd be able to do anything about it lol

2007-11-04 [Andy8178]: Rofl, Royale with Cheese! :D

2007-11-04 [phoenixborn]: You've seen Pulp Fiction right? Just gotta make sure you get the reference lol

2007-11-04 [My Sky's The Limit]: o.O I haven't seem it. . .o.o

2007-11-04 [Andy8178]: Yes, of course... Uma was hot in that movie... Besides.. She OD's on heroin hah!

2007-11-04 [phoenixborn]: See that's why you should never snort heroin. That's why always keep these handy *pats pouch of needes* ^__^ And I'll admit she was hot. But now...*shudders* I wouldn't touch her with someone elses XD

2007-11-04 [Andy8178]: Oh man TMI TMI!

2007-11-04 [My Sky's The Limit]: Bleh. . .my dad did heroine. . .along with every other drug out there. He had a massive heart attack and wasn't supposed to live but he's still alive, doing drugs and drinking -_-

2007-11-04 [phoenixborn]: I can give you more information if you like? I wouldn't pu...wait, this is a family wiki... XD

2007-11-04 [My Sky's The Limit]: XD Good job.

2007-11-04 [phoenixborn]: I spent two years addicted to cocaine. Did heroin twice but mostly stuck to lesser things. I'm clean now though. I hardly even drink tbh

2007-11-04 [My Sky's The Limit]: Good. :D I'm proud of you XD.

But that is good, though. Only thing I've done is pot and drank.

2007-11-04 [phoenixborn]: yeah 'tis all rosey now. I looking back it really wasn't worth the money and the stress anyway, most stuff really aint that good. Well actually, coke was pretty awes-...uh...yeah I mean, yeah it was all terrible XD XD

2007-11-04 [My Sky's The Limit]: I heard mushrooms and Acid made you trip really bad. . .I accually considered mushrooms once. << still wouldn't mind trying it. Have you tried mushrooms? o.o

2007-11-04 [phoenixborn]: Yeah mushrooms are a bit hit and miss. Sometimes they can be great but they can go bad and obviously the worst thing is that if you get a bad trip aint no getting out of it 'til it passes. And I dunno if I was just unlucky or what, but I never had a good experience with acid. If you're looking for recomendations here i wouldn't recommend any of them. Take it from me, it's better just to leave well alone. I only meant to try one or two things just out of curiosity. And several years later large parts of my life are still screwed up by it so yeah, just stick to drink XD

2007-11-04 [My Sky's The Limit]: XD Will do. I never planned to try Acid or Heroine or any of that other stuff. . .

And what a conversation to come back to. . .drugs XD

2007-11-04 [phoenixborn]: And to think this entire converstion, sex drugs and all,all started woth Andy calling me british. Tut tut Andy you should know better XD

2007-11-05 [My Sky's The Limit]: That's it? We went from British to sex and drugs? o.o not bad at all. . .

2007-11-05 [phoenixborn]: Well the Brits have always been about sex and drugs anyway XD

2007-11-05 [Andy8178]: Rofl, thanks. I know a guy who tried Acid once... (12 hits first time) and he is permanently stuck in an acid trip. And he has to deal with it. Working everyday... He's like stuck in a cartoon.. That must suck.

2007-11-14 [Andy8178]: AHHH NEED COMMENT!!! AHHHH! *Goes crazy from lack of conversation*

2007-11-14 [Pua]: comment comment comment ^_^

2007-11-14 [Bookwyrm]: -was uninterested in the conversation- o.O

2007-11-14 [phoenixborn]: *Changes to converstaion back to an ever popular subject* FLUFFIES!!!!!! XD

2007-11-14 [Bookwyrm]: Urgh. T_T

2007-11-14 [phoenixborn]: Whut? I thought y'all loved fluffies? *dresses Witchy in fluffy bunny suit* Awww ^__^

2007-11-14 [Bookwyrm]: -blink-... ... ...?

2007-11-14 [phoenixborn]: *pets it*

2007-11-14 [Bookwyrm]: -is once it-

2007-11-14 [Pua]: pets you?

2007-11-14 [Bookwyrm]: Don't ask. x_X

2007-11-14 [phoenixborn]: You were never anything but an it. I already explained this to you :)

2007-11-14 [Bookwyrm]: -sticks tongue out- Shush.

2007-11-14 [phoenixborn]: *grabs tngue with sugar tongs* Quick, someone cut it off!

2007-11-15 [Bookwyrm]: -grabs two very important manly parts with her own pair of tongs- Sssumun cuh ehm ooch!! O.O

2007-11-15 [phoenixborn]: *very high pitched voice* Uh...I think we could possibly negotiate a deal here???

2007-11-15 [Bookwyrm]: Leh goch!

2007-11-16 [phoenixborn]: *releases tongue* now you...

2007-11-16 [Bookwyrm]: -releases two very important manly parts-

2007-11-16 [phoenixborn]: What, my brain cells? XD

2007-11-16 [Bookwyrm]: Yes. The fact that you only have two and they're lower than your head just proves that you are, in fact, a man. XD

2007-11-16 [Pua]: the real question though is if he was to be standing alone in the forest with no woman to hear him, is he still wrong?  ^_^

2007-11-16 [Bookwyrm]: Of course. That's a ridiculous question. A man without a woman is still a man. Simply less of one. -hugs David so as not to make him feel left out- XD

2007-11-16 [Pua]: lol

2007-11-16 [phoenixborn]: Given the fact I have no woman, and have no future prospects of getting one, then I thank you kindly for that "less of a man" bit. you know how to make a guy feel great XD

2007-11-16 [Bookwyrm]: That's why I hugged you. While you may not have a girlfriend or a wife, you do indeed have a woman in your life: moi. And your mom. And moms are very important donchaknow.

2007-11-16 [Andy8178]: Traci is a woman in many mens'lives but we have different names for those in Florida... Many down here refer to them as WHORES! :P!!!!! :D

2007-11-16 [Bookwyrm]: ...Too far Andy.

2007-11-17 [Pua]: tsk tsk  T_T

2007-11-17 [Andy8178]: You know I'm kiddin hon ^_^

2007-11-17 [Bookwyrm]: Yes, I do...but still. -_- Don't really appreciate it. But subject! ^_^

2007-11-18 [phoenixborn]: Heyyyy I hadn't finished complaining about the old subject! And I know I got you hun, but thats only really a comfort when I'm here speaking to you. It's the other 22 hours a day that are the problem XD And I refuse to even acknowledge the existence of my mom XD

2007-11-18 [Pua]: awww your poor mumbly  thats so sad

2007-11-18 [Andy8178]: Is your mom mean or something?

2007-11-18 [Larova]: I am woman. Hear me rawr.

2007-11-18 [Andy8178]: haha

2007-11-18 [Larova]: "bareback rider." Sounds so wrong.

2007-11-18 [phoenixborn]: But at the same time... So right XD No my moms great. She's just an embarrasment, like all moms XD

2007-11-18 [Pua]: well yeah. but see we understand that an we can be the generation to do something about it... but not me!!! lol  an i wasnt trying to be wrong.. i love my mummy an i find it sad when it seems like other dont love theirs...

2007-11-19 [Andy8178]: bareback rider sounds kinky ;P

2007-11-19 [phoenixborn]: Andy everything sounds kinky to you. probably including my mother, which is a disturbing thought

2007-11-20 [Pua]: yikes...

2007-11-20 [Bookwyrm]: I thought you didn't acknowledge your mother. o.O Therefore, she doesn't exist. Therefore...he can't find her kinky. Then again, if she does exist, perhaps she is kinky, and perhaps that's how you were created. o.O I's had to be created in an odd way. Perhaps the stork really did deliver you. XD

2007-11-20 [Pua]: he came by mail ^_^

2007-11-20 [Bookwyrm]: :O Who paid for the postage?

2007-11-20 [Pua]: hmmm... thats a good question

2007-11-20 [Bookwyrm]: Perhaps it was the tooth fairy. He's always had a thing for her...

2007-11-20 [Pua]: the easter bunny brought me ^_^

2007-11-20 [Bookwyrm]: Santa Clause brought me, and no one can say otherwise--I was born two days after Christmas. XD

2007-11-20 [Pua]: nice! but i would hate that... the chance of having mixed presents ew T_T

2007-11-20 [Bookwyrm]: XD I had a really good grandmother who didn't want to do that to me.

2007-11-20 [Pua]: oh cool. my b-day is in june... so i only have to wait six months till i get presents ^_^ lol

2007-11-20 [Bookwyrm]: XD At least you have a "break," you know? I mean...halfway through the year you get presents, then the after the next half you get more. XD Me, I get everything all at once and have to wait another year. XD

2007-11-20 [Pua]: its very convenient

2007-11-20 [phoenixborn]: did you just imply my mother was a kinky stork-come-toothfairy?

2007-11-20 [Pua]: sure seems that way dont it

2007-11-20 [Bookwyrm]: I couldn't imply that. She doesn't exist, remember?

2007-11-21 [Andy8178]: What can I say... David has a sexy genepool :P

2007-11-21 [Pua]: oy

2007-11-21 [Bookwyrm]: But his genepool is nonexistent!

2007-11-21 [phoenixborn]: Well fine, are you implying that if I had a mother, which I'm not saying I do, that she'd be a kinky stork-come-toothfairy?

And you can all keep your hands off my genepools T__T

2007-11-22 [Larova]: Your mom's hot, [phoenixborn]. I'd like to stick my hands all up in her gene pool.

2007-11-22 [phoenixborn]: I don't know whether to vomit or merely question your taste in women. You have clearly never seen my mom XD

2007-11-23 [Bookwyrm]: I am implying nothing about your nonexistent mother. So there. :P However I am suggesting. XD

...-pats David- I'd opt for vomiting.

2007-11-23 [phoenixborn]: Psh implying, suggesting, same darn thing :P

I'd opt to merely for puting it out of my mind XD *purrs* O.o well now that's never happened before

2007-11-23 [Bookwyrm]: No no no, not the same thing. Look it up. XD

You could do that. Oh don't do THAT though...o.O

2007-11-23 [Larova]: I'm running out of moms.
Now I feel empty inside.

2007-11-24 [Bookwyrm]: -gives [Larova] a helium tank- Fill up. ^^

2007-11-24 [Larova]: *Floats into the air*
YAY! Now I'm lightheaded and my voice sounds like the brownies from Willow! *Clears throat* I've stolen a baby! Ahahahahaha! Laugh, you stupid bird, LAUGH!

2007-11-24 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- And once again, gas makes the world feel better. XD

2007-11-24 [Larova]: Except for the part where it's making my friends go off fighting in the desert. And I'll probably be up there with them before long.

2007-11-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: Do we need a re-stock of a few species? -tilts head-

2007-11-24 [Larova]: GASP.
The phoenetic pronunciation of your name spells out--No. I dare not say it.
Dare I?
I dare not.
Oh, hell with it.
*Runs off tittering*

2007-11-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: -cracking up- Yes it does.
Then there's ayyus and peenus and boo-bees. ^^
Though this probably shouldn't be posted here. . .<<;

2007-11-24 [Larova]: Egads, man!
Just a few more participants, and you'll have the entire porn industry, albeit oddly-spelled! Clih-Toeriss, Testy-Kills, and Dee Essels are all you need.

2007-11-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: I'll keep those in mind ;D

2007-11-24 [Larova]: Damn skippy.

2007-11-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: o.o haven't heard that since I was little! XD

2007-11-24 [Larova]: Yeah, I tend to be the gravedigger of terminology. I'll bury something with a word and a glance, and dig something else up without warning.
Setting trends is frighteningly easy.

2007-11-24 [My Sky's The Limit]: I know the feeling. . .-_-; pisses me off sometimes.
Excuse the french <<;

2007-11-24 [Larova]: Yeah, no kidding. That's like Hot Topic making so many of my old interests into pop culture fads. So much emphasis on being different, just like everyone else.

2007-11-25 [My Sky's The Limit]: Makes me sick, really. . .

2007-11-25 [phoenixborn]: What the...there was talk of boo-bees... And I mssed t??? Damn it my booby senses are failing me in my old age :(

2007-11-25 [My Sky's The Limit]: :[ it's alright. We can talk about boobies again if you'd like ^~^

2007-11-25 [phoenixborn]: okay then. uh....they jiggle? Aaaand they make a fantastic pillow? Witchy, and contributions? Like a picture perhaps? XD Don't hit me :(

2007-11-25 [My Sky's The Limit]: XD Horrible.
But dude, all a boob is really is fat with a colored bump on it. . . . .

2007-11-26 [Bookwyrm]: Yeah that's what I don't get. In most species, the males are supposed to have colourful chests or plummage to attract the female. Humans have it backwards. And I mean, of all are attracted to lumps of fat...but of course, ONLY if they're in the "right place." Hypocrits. All of 'em. Someone told me recently that he's tired of seeing pretty girls get a "free ride"--not referring to sex by the way--and I just about hit him. Personally I'm sick of being referred to, reacted to, and treated as a sex object. For once it'd be nice to be beautiful instead of sexy. Gorgeous instead of hot. But of course, this will never happen, as men have decided that we are sex objects and therefore we must be treated as such. -glares- And you all deserve this lecture, because you brought it up and wanted my contribution. Shame on you all. -crosses arms-

P.S. -hits Twiglet over the head with a frying pan- Next time I'll let Scott do it. :P

2007-11-26 [My Sky's The Limit]: She's got a point. . .-nod nod-

2007-11-26 [Bookwyrm]: I've always got a point. ^^ What matters is how sharp it is. XD

2007-11-26 [Larova]: Breasts still make me happy.
Mostly because it's a really sensitive spot I can manipulate to make a girl very happy.

I think of my girlfriend as beautiful though. Pretty. Cute. The sexiness comes in when we get in the mood. And then, once it starts, it can't be stopped, because she's too good at what she does.

2007-11-26 [phoenixborn]: Witchy you know I've never treat you as a sex object. I have definitely never called you hot, I'm prety darn sure I've called you gorgeous on numerous occasions, and you know fine well I think you are beautiful beyond compare. So you just un-pan me right now or I shall be forced to..well, cry. But you wouldn't want that right? Uh... Right?

And larova quit with the sex-ness. I don't think my single mind can take it XD

2007-11-26 [Larova]: Hey, when you're single is the best time for it. That just means no commitment necessary, just pick up a random chick at a party or even on Myspace or something similar, make sure you've got a good solid box of Trojans and a bottle of Astroglide, and have fun. Not gonna lie to you, kiddo, you're not half bad looking. Unless you smell bad or have some terrible social disease or painfully irritating nervous tic, it shouldn't be difficult. Just have a little confidence.

That's how I'm able to be all settled down these days. If I have a midlife crisis at all, it'll come and go in minutes. Everything is pretty much out of my system.
Except I've never done a black chick.

But yeah. Women as a whole aren't sex objects, but chicks with no personalities are okay to do and not think twice about. And many a college chick just wants to have fun without any commitment whatsoever, because she's "playing the field" just like the guys do.
So your single mind can handle it just fine. Your single mind is best equipped for it. ^_^

2007-11-26 [Bookwyrm]: -twitches- Don't get me started on you David. And I didn't pan you for the breast comment...well...I did, but for the sake of my breasts and my husband. XD Technically, I panned you for the picture comment.

And [Larova] is right, you're not half-bad looking, you need to be more confident and get out there. I'm sick of you whining about your looks. :P It's stupid. You're not ugly in the least bit, and your only social disease is that you're shy and under-confident.

Women as a whole are sex objects. This is proven every day in the media. There's no denying that fact. It's the occasional respectful male that treats a woman as she should be treated. And I'm not referring to a woman he's with, I'm referring to a woman he's just met. I'm not against promiscuous sex or "playing the field." I'm against being treated the way I do by men because I have tits, an ass, and something between my legs they're after. But again, [Larova] is right, you're best equipped for it other than your lack of confidence in yourself. :P

2007-11-26 [Larova]: Ja. Now, [Bookwyrm], I will have to agree with you on the fact that guys who meet a chick and are instantly out for a piece should have their respective pelvises broken with a sledgehammer, but thinking of how many girls are bought out by the media and make themselves into these mindless drones one or two steps up from those inflatable dolls you buy at the sex shops, usually because there's a little monetary gain (thus turning them into prostitutes indirectly), I have no choice but to conclude half the human race should be culled with fire.
Especially knowing that most such females are cheating whores and will sleep around whenever they know there's something to gain and they can't be caught. And better yet, when the guy's away at war, he's sending most of his money every check to support her, and he'll NEVER find out what's going on while he's overseas.
The lattermost of those circumstances describes the type of woman who should have her clitoris doused in molten metal. We'll make it silver and gold, because whores love jewelry.

2007-11-26 [phoenixborn]: Wel okay, I accept that on this occasion it was a panning with good reason and shall therefore accept it. But just this once :P

Haha au contraire cherie, I am outspoken, and very confident. As I have explained to you before there is a difference between self-confidence and low self esteem :P I have high self-confidence, yet a low personal opinion of myself. Nor am I saying I am ugly. It's just people seem to treat me different than anyone else. With me girls have an unfortunate habit of quickly seeing me as thier best friend and therefore Never even considering having me as anything else. And the only way around that is to be less nice to them. And I can't do that, no matter how often I tell myself/ you that i'm going to. So come on Jerry Springer, find me a solution to that one :P

2007-11-26 [phoenixborn]: And [Larova], do you mind? All but one of the girls I have been out with have been like that XD

2007-11-26 [Bookwyrm]: Hey I'll agree with you on that. I'm sick of seeing all the crap in movies. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a steamy bedroom scene in a movie, but the fact is that now it's not really about the emotions in the room, it's about how much of the chick they can show off. Example one: Good Luck Chuck. Walked out halfway through the movie I was so disgusted. And I love Dane Cook--though a lot less now. But the women who put themselves in that position and intentionally do these things knowing that it not only hurts the status of women everywhere, but sets the human race back centuries, need to be panned over the head more than dear David over here. XD And all cheating whores, male or female, need to have their genitalia destroyed. Along with rapists and molesters. Primarily rapists and molesters. The worst part about it is that women are so willing to become sex objects when it comes to the media because the media has decided that the easiest way for a woman to get big in the spotlight is to show off as much as possible. Hence we have Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Hillary Duff, Pamela Anderson, and all the other silicone sluts out there. :P I'm hoping Amanda Bynes doesn't go next.

2007-11-26 [phoenixborn]: To be honest I think the guys who go for your Linsey Lohans, Pamela Andersons etc are just as bad as the chicks themselves. And I blame the guys almost fully for it anyway. The bottom line is if there weren't the guys out there who wanted women like that then the chicks wouldn't feel they had to be like that. Oh and you missed Paris Hilton off that list. She should go top of it XD

2007-11-26 [Larova]: Aha! You've got the best-friend complex. It's so wonderful I never got that. But eh, I shan't gloat.
My roommate/housemate/wtf ever you want to call him Syl has that problem, but he said his solution is meeting them and moving quickly. Basically, he has a two-week window when he meets a girl to start dating her before she ends up wanting to be best friends.
In my case, I end up best friends sometimes and not minding it one bit because I have a big brother instinct from hell. And friends don't cheat on you. Even if you're friends with benefits. Because they're in no position for it to be cheating if they go get laid without you.

You've got to make a little self-esteem if you don't have it naturally. Figure out where your strong points are, and don't give a damn what everyone else has. In my case, I have intellect and wit, a sense of humor, drive, the look of an anime or RPG character, martial arts prowess, and a little athletic background. I don't think twice about the fact that other guys stand at least 4 to 6 inches taller than me, since I'm 5'6", or that they usually have at least 40 pounds on me, I don't give a damn who's got that bodybuilder physique or who looks like one of those 'N Sync fags.
Because it just so happens I'm trained to kill them all. The human body ticks the same way for most everyone, and best of all, you can always use the same tricks to make it stop ticking.

So think about the part where these guys are being assholes AND treating girls poorly. I know my girlfriend likes the fact that I'm a complete smartass and enjoy playing stupid pranks on people, insulting people, and getting in fights over nothing. "WHOA, hoss. That was my Cherry Coke."
"Oh. Sorry."
"No, I don't think you're getting me. That was my Cherry Coke."
"And you just knocked it over."
"I said I'm sorry."
*Backhand* "There, I feel better."
"Man, FUCK YOU! I'm about t--" *Everything starts to blur together here* *Soundwaves become tangible, motions plotted out as they happen, trajectories taken into account from noticeable muscle groups tightening...*
*Lips curl up into huge smile, turning to a grin*
*Come to with this guy curled up on the floor bleeding*
^(Actual series of events)

Oops. Another tangent.

But yeah. Girls like a guy who's a little bit cocky. My girlfriend loves getting in little meaningless arguments with me, and when I call her things like "nerdface" and joke about hitting her in the face with a crowbar (inside joke), and how when she slips up and says some guy's cute/hot/whatever, my response is almost always "I could take him," sometimes with the detailed description of all the weak spots I've already noticed on him that could take one strike to cripple him before I go for an arm-bar and snap it in half at the elbow.

Maybe you just have to learn this part of it, but a rough exterior is how guys like you (and, I freaking hate admitting it, me to an extent) keep from being the nice guy who gets stepped on all the time. Doing mean things to people like I do it keeps my subconscious faith in karma, because when bad things happen to me it's not "what did I do to deserve this?" but rather "ehehehehehehe. Took you long enough, bastard."
No more sense of injustice.
And since it happened to you, it doesn't seem like every asshole guy out there is getting a ticket out of it while the nice guys get screwed, but rather that it happens to those who did something to deserve it.

But a lot of good girls out there know this is something to look for. A lot just aren't good at looking for it. They're oftentimes looking for a guy who's toughened up a bunch, who's got a tongue like a razor and fists of steel (or at least who's dirty enough to slip on a set of brass knuckles from his pocket, grab a taser in the other hand, tase the motherfucker in question in the face and go to town with his fists), and who after it all goes down is really just keeping everything that made him that way from happening again.
So you've got to be a little bit of an asshole, but the girl will figure out you're really not the type who's going to hit her, disrespect her, or any of that, and who's willing to fight for her if she's in danger.
Too nice, and you're the best friend... And what the cheating whorebags are looking for, because that means they can use you and you'll just roll over like a kicked puppy and let them get the other set of ribs for a more satisfying crunch. That you'll be the one taking them out on dates and treating them like princesses, serenading them with poetry and flowers, and the one who's completely oblivious of those marks on her neck that just seemed to come up the other night, and never questions who that guy talking in the background on the phone is.
Oh well, such a guy would never notice she was loose anyway--After all, the boyfriend's the only guy who's not getting it from her.

2007-11-26 [Larova]: I just hate how they put so much of that bullshit romanticism into secret rendezvous with this tall/dark/handsome secret lover the husband/boyfriend/fiance' can't find out about, and go on about the sultriness of it and these deep throes of passion and so on and so forth.
I don't read romantic novels for a reason. I'm thoroughly convinced they're all the same--Cheating skank whores having sex with Fabio.

Fabio's probably flipping through the pages of one of those books right now, and he's thinking "I don't remember any of this. What a skank."

But the media's a bunch of crap. And I want to burn it to the ground.

2007-11-26 [Andy8178]: I read about half of the comments and got bored.. Too long!! :(

2007-11-26 [Larova]: Isn't being shallow great?

2007-11-27 [My Sky's The Limit]: Not really, because if you go for someone based on their looks, then find out they're nothing but a slut with fake tits and a bad personality and have every STD in the world, then you're screwed, yeah? :]

2007-11-27 [Bookwyrm]: -applauds [Larova]- I think you hit the nail on the nose there. Most women do NOT like a guy who's over sensitive. Don't get me wrong, I can't stand someone who's going to be an asshole all the time and doesn't really care if you're hurt physically or emotionally. But if I broke a nail (for a weak example) and I started whining and Scott started pampering me, I'd have to hit him...instead he says something like "You'll live" or makes a joke about how much of a girl I am. That's cute. But if he pushes me off something or I make a stupid mistake and stab myself (it happens...stupid dishwasher), I want a little attention. XD But most girls want a guy who's a jackass on the outside, sweetheart on the inside, and great in bed. As long as the jackass isn't an ass all the time. XD

Oh I don't get into the cheating on the husband/boyfriend/fiance thing. I just don't mind a steamy romance between the girl and her man. Cheating is disgusting. The end. Don't care who's doing it. I don't read romances either. XD Though I know a LOT of old pentecostal women do. And I'm not being funny, I'm serious. I work in a bookstore...and all the old pentecostal women are hiding in the romance section.

I think the Harry Potter books had it right with the Veela. Amazingly beautiful "women" who turn into harpies the moment they get angry. The first person who makes a reference to married women gets a shotgun to the head and I'm not joking. -glares-

2007-11-27 [Larova]: Yayyyyyyyyyyy STD's. ^_^ Syphilis is my favorite.

2007-11-27 [Larova]: Yeah, romance can be as steamy as it wants to be, I don't care. But I love hearing stories about chicks who cheat on their husbands finally getting discovered and gunned down along with her little paramour.
And then the guys who get their junk cut off in the night and then stabbed to death when they wake up and see it.

2007-11-27 [Bookwyrm]: -grins- Little violent there, aren't we?

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